Sunday, June 13, 2010

No Time For Colds

Looks like Harmonee woke up with a cold this morning. She has had high fevers, a high heart rate, fast breathing and throw ups all day. The doctors thought it could be with drawl from medication they had just taken her off of, so blood cultures were taken, mainly to rule out rejection. A few check ins later, it turns out Harmonee has a slight cold, that for someone compromised acts like a big cold. In order to help get rid of it, Harmonee has slept literally all day long. With a brief half hour, mommy daughter work out. She is getting so good at sitting up! Not to much longer and she'll be sitting up all by herself! She is still looking great all in all!

1 comment:

  1. cold cold go away. come back to someone else that can fight it you harm and farrah. ps my mom stopped by to see you the other day but you were probably still seeing layla. she just wanted to give you a hug or a break....she knows what it's like.
